Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Paper Trail is Going on the Road

I could not think of a better title for this one to be honest, however I wanted to let you all know that if you are close to the North Eastern part of the United States I will be doing the Paper Trail live at connecticon!

Yes it is a convention that has decided to take my video game book fascination and present it to you all in person. Which is one of the reasons why I will be pulling back slightly from the blog. I will still do reviews however some books I will feature in the panel will not be on here prior to its presentation.

Now if you are going, AWESOME! Let me know and I be happy to say hi, also if you have access to a decent camera and would like to film this even better! Mine is well...its seen better days and if you do film will try to not only post it here but also on TGWTG as well! W00T!

What could make this even better? ANOTHER PANEL! Yes this is not the only one I am doing, no no no no. I will also be doing a video game music panel in which I try to break the norms of what people think of VGMusic and educate them on awesome bands and composers.

So what have you got to lose? Tell the convention you want more of me and I hope to see you at Connecticon!

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